
Project Aim:

The WorkingAge Project aims to:

  1. promote healthy habits of users in their working environment and daily living activities in order to improve their working and living conditions;
  2. gain a better understanding of well-being at work and of factors that may inhibit or deteriorate prolonged employment, desirable living situations at older age are pursued, characterized by autonomy and quality of life;
  3. improve work performance due to higher motivation and involvement in decision-making and to higher confidence in the possibility to change or find a job.

Studies Conducted:

A summary of studies with human participants (as of June 2023):

  1. Deep Learning-Based Assessment of Facial Periodic Affect in Work-Like Settings [ECCV 2022]

Major Findings:

Major findings (as of June 2023):

  • - Our experimental results show that (i) workers’ affective states can be inferred from their facial behaviours; (ii) models pre-trained on naturalistic datasets prove useful for predicting affect from facial behaviours in work-like settings; and (iii) task type and task setting influence the affect recognition performance

Project Team:

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